
Formation of helical domain walls in a quantum Hall regime. Spin polarization of the top energy level is switched under a top gate (yellow) and a domain wall (DW) is formed along the gate boundary. With induced superconductivity from superconducting contacts (green) non-Abelian excitations (magenta) are expected to be formed at the boundaries between topological superconductivity induced in the helical DW and s-wave superconducting contacts (after arXiv:1702.03279).

The first publication in highly ranked physical journal Phys. Rev. Lett. appeared with MagTop affiliation.

The first publication in highly ranked physical journal Physical Review Letters appeared with MagTop affiliation. The paper co-authored by Prof. Wojtowicz reports the observation of topologically protected conducting channels induced electrostatically in quantum Hall ferromagnet that has potentials for topologically protected quantum computations. Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 046803 (2017); arXiv:1702.03279v2 [cond-mat.mes-hall].

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