
Growth facilities Virtual tour of the clean room facility #2:

  • Single MBE growth chamber system for IV- and VI-tellurides (built by the Institute).
  • Dual growth chamber MBE system (EPI/PREVAC) for IV- and VI-chalcogenides (Te, Se) located in Clean Room Facility #1.
  • State of the art dual growth chamber GENxplor MBE system (from VEECO) (for II-VIs, IV-VI topological crystalline insulators, semiconductor/ferromagnet and semiconductor/superconductor hybrids). Virtual tour of the MBE Lab in the clean room facility #2.
  • Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) – Remote plasma & thermal ALD (FlexAL Oxford Instruments) metals and ferromagnets. Virtual tour of the ALD Lab.
  • Standard and high pressure Bridgman, as well as vapor transport techniques for single crytals growth of Bi, Sb, Pb, Sn, Zn, Cd chalcogenides and Cd, Zn arsenides, all doped with transition metals
Dual growth chamber20

Equipment for nanostructurization of materials (including topological matter) and fabrication of prototype devices:

Equipment for characterisation and advanced studies of materials (including topological matter) and devices:

  • Dry Dilution Refrigerator – Triton 400 Oxford Instruments (temperature range: without magnet: 10 mK – 300 K, with vector magnet (6×1×1 T): 10 mK- 30 K. Virtual tour of the Lab with dilution refrigerator.
  • Cathodoluminescence system (for visible and NIR light emission) and electron beam induced current (EBIC) down to 5 K (based on Carl Zeiss EVO HD15 scanning electron microscope). Virtual tour of the cathodoluminescence Lab.
  • Scanning electron microscope (SEM) with FIB and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) (Carl Zeiss Auriga – CrossBeam Workstation with Bruker EDS ) (Ion imaging resolution of 2.5 nm at 30 kV, electron imaging resolution 1 nm at 15 kV). Virtual tour of the SEM/FIB Lab.
  • Systems for electrical and heat transport characterization and advanced studies, based on liquid 3He cryostats, temperatures down to 300 mK (with 3He Heliox from Oxford Instruments), magnetic fields up to 15 T. Virtual tour of the Faraday cage with 3He cryostat.
  • Dry system for variable temperature and magnetic field studies of materials (electrical transport, inverse spin Hall effect, global broad band spin wave spectroscopy up to 20 GHz) in temperatures down to 2 K and magnetic fields up to 9 T) (from Quantum Design) Virtual tour of the Lab with the Quantum Design system.
  • Various set-ups for optical characterization (from IR to UV) and studies of materials, nanostructures and photonic devices (including Brillouin Light Spectroscopy (BLS) system) Virtual tour of the Lab with BLS system.
  • Two SQUID magnetometers Quantum Design MPMS XL, 1.9 – 400 K (800 K with added apparatus), up to 5 T in AC, DC, RSO modes.
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