Professor Tomasz Story

Tomasz Story got PhD degree (1989), habilitation degree (1998), and professor title (2005) in solid state physics. Professor in the Institute of Physics of  PAS in Warsaw; for about 20 years Head of Department and Head of Research Group in Semiconductor Physics Department; since 2023 Chairman of the Scientific Council of IP PAS. PostDoc stay at Eindhoven University of Technology (1990-1991) and research stay in Grenoble High Magnetic Field Laboratory (1992). Scientific award of the Secretary of Polish Academy of Sciences and W. Rubinowicz Award of Polish Physical Society for research on IV-VI diluted magnetic (semimagnetic) semiconductors. 220 scientific publications cited 3120 (2650 without self-citations) times; H index 27. Best cited publications in Nature Materials 2012 (topological crystalline insulators, 620), Physical Review Letters 1986 (carrier induced ferromagnetism, 325), and Science 2016 (topological atomic steps, 80). 50 invited lectures at various conferences including USA, Japan, Germany, and France. Supervisor of 6 PhD doctoral students. Main research expertise in experimental semiconductor physics (topological materials, spintronics, thermoelectricity) with the studies of electron magneto-transport, optical and magnetic properties as well photoemission studies of surface topological states. Main scientific achievements: discovery of carrier induced ferromagnetism in diluted magnetic (semimagnetic) semiconductor (Pb,Sn,Mn)Te and the first experimental observation of new topological crystalline insulator surface states in (Pb,Sn)Se monocrystals. PI in several national and international research projects or scientific networks on magnetic semiconductors, thermoelectric materials for heat-to-electricity converters, and semiconductor spintronics.


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