Professor IF PAN Krzysztof Dybko

My research interest pertains to problems in experimental condensed matter physics. I specialize in low and high field magnetotransport performed in wide temperature range starting form  milliKelvins till room temperatures. I have completed my PhD thesis in 1996 and obtained „habilitation” degree in 2020. Below, I briefly summarize the most important topics on which I have worked.

The determination of scaling exponents of the plateau – plateau transitions in the Integer Quantum Hall regime of GaAs/GaAlAs heterostructures. In modern theories the above  transitions can be treated as a zero temperature quantum phase transitions, so determination of their critical exponents related to system size, temperature and frequency is of fundamental importance. Studies done by means of DC and AC (in microwave range 20-60 GHz) during my stay in Austria in prof. Kuchar group.

The experimental evidence for long range spin triplet superconductivity in the spin switch trilayer structure comprised of superconducting cuprate layer  sandwiched between ferromagnetic manganite layers. In this system I observed the enhancement of the superconducting critical temperature of heterostructure after application of magnetic field. It  was predicted by theory for “exotic” superconductivity of  p-wave symmetry.

I was also a member of the Polish-Swedish group, which first reported the discovery of  topological crystalline insulators in Nature Materials. Later on, by the use of quantum transport I revealed that in prototypical topological crystalline material SnTe, the topologically protected 2D surface states wrap around the  bulk crystal.

My last important activity  concerned with the search, by means of soft point contact conductance spectroscopy, for zero energy modes in topological crystalline insulators of IV-VI family. The observed robust zero bias conductance peaks undergo critical behaviour of BCS type without any traces of global superconductivity in the investigated samples. This fact was explained by the theory developed on this occasion, which considered Peierls-like instability of 1D states giving rise to the appearance of low energy excitations associated with topological states at the domains walls of the collective phase.

My bibliographic data collected in Web of Sciences consists of about 100 research publications,  which were cited over 1300 times and result in h-factor equal to 15.

I am the recipient of the following awards in chronological order: Ministry of Science and Higher Education award, Warsaw 1986, PAS secretary for scientific affairs award, Warsaw 1986 and 1988, Director of the Institute of Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences award for the best publication, 2013 and 2018.

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