Andrzej Wiśniewski was graduated from the Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw in 1979. PhD he defensed in the Institute of Physics PAS in 1992 (PhD Thesis: „Dynamics of spin lattice in ferromagnetic iron alloys with DO3 structure”). In 2003 he got Habilitation in Physics also at the Institute of Physics PAS (Habilitation Thesis: „Impact of radiation defects and chemical substitutions on properties of vortex lattice in high-Tc superconductors”). The title of the Professor, nomination of the President of Republic of Poland, he got in 2011.
His current research interests are focused on the growth of single crystals of topological materials, studies of their electronic (ARPES), magnetic and/or superconducting properties. He is coauthor of 220 papers in the field of magnetism and superconductivity (Researcher ID: A-1781-2017). These papers was cited more than 3 200 times (H = 29), four papers were cited more than 100 times, most cited paper (Phys. Rev. Lett. 88 (2002), 167004.) was cited 265 times. He has published 50 papers in Physical Review B. He is coauthor of 3 chapters in monographies (including 200 pages long chapter: V. Markovich, A. Wisniewski, H. Szymczak „Magnetic properties of perovskite manganites and their modifications” Handbook of Magnetic Materials vol. 22, ed. K.H.J. Buschow, p. 1-201 (2014)) and of academic textbook (in Polish) A. Szewczyk, A. Wiśniewski, R. Puźniak, H. Szymczak “Magnetism and Superconductivity” PWN (Polish Scientific Publishers), 2012.
Since 2004 till 2018 he was the Head of the Division of Physics of Magnetism in the Institute of Physics PAS, since 2015 till now he is the Head of the Group of Oxide Crystals Growth. He made many short time stays (up to two months) in several foreign labs: ETH, Zurichu (10 times), Politecnico di Torino, Torino (9 times), Atomic Institute of the Austrian Universities, Vienna (8 times), Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, USA (5 times), RISO National Laboratory, Roskilde, Denmark (2 times), Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA (1 time). He was principal investigator (leader) of 6 projects supported by Polish Government Agencies: State Committee for Scientific Research and National Science Centre.