Mircea Trif is a Team Leader (head of the Dirac Team) at the International Centre for Interfacing Magnetism and Superconductivity with Topological Matter – MagTop, funded by a grant from the Foundation for Polish Science since 2019 and carried out at the Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw. In 2005 he completed his MSc in theoretical physics at the Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca (Romania), and obtained his PhD degree in theoretical condensed matter physics in 2010 at the University of Basel (Switzerland), under the supervision of Prof. Daniel Loss. Afterwards, Trif was a postdoctoral researcher at the University of California, Los Angeles (2011-2013) and University of Paris-Saclay (2014-2016). Before joining MagTop, he was an Assistant Professor within the Institute for Interdisciplinary Information Sciences at Tsinghua University in Beijing (lead by Prof. Andrew Yao, winner of the 2000 Alan Turing Award). He served as a PI on several grants, including one sponsored by the National Science Foundation Of China (2018-2019) and one by the NCN via its OPUS program (2021-2025).
Dr. Trif’s research mainly focuses on four topics: quantum transport in semiconductor-superconductors hybrids, cavity QED with solid-state spin qubits, quantum information processing with magnetic adatoms in superconductors, and quantum dynamics of topological defects in insulating magnets. In a nutshell, we investigate how the interplay between topology and dynamics in various solid state systems facilitates the design of future high-speed quantum devices. He is the author or co-author of over 40 research publications, among which 1 Nat. Comm, 1 PRX, 7 PRL, and 1 PRX Quantum, with an h-factor of 20 (Google Scholar). Trif has presented over 20 invited talks at international meetings including (SpinTech and SPIE conference series), and more that 30 invited seminars talks (IST Austria, McGill University, Aalto University, Tsinghua, NYU, Monash University, etc).
Mircea Trif have established several long-term collaborations, among which we mention Dr. Timo Hyart (Tampere University/former MagTop leader), Prof. Pascal Simon (University of Paris), Prof. Yaroslav Tserkovnyak (UCLA), and Dr. Thore Posske (Hamburg University). Together with Dr. Posske, Dr. Trif have established the “Next Generation Partnership Network” sponsored by University of Hamburg, and comprising MagTop (Dr. Mircea Trif), Lund University (Dr. Martin Leijnse), Boston College (Prof. Benedetta Flebus), and John Hopkins University (Prof. Oleg Tchernyshyov). Among the outcomes of the network was a workshop, “Northern Lights Conference”, that took place in Reykjavik during 12-15 October, 2022, co-organised by Dr. Trif. Its focus was on the interplay of (quantum) magnetism, topology, and superconductivity, as well as on novel applications to tomorrow’s quantum technologies (www.northernlightsconference22.eu)