Research Groups (Teams) and Organizational Chart

MagTop Organizational Structure

MagTop funds six research groups/teams (as seen in the organizational diagram above):


The Group of Theory of
Topological Matter,
headed by

Tomasz Dietl

performs theoretical studies,
including data analysis
and interpretation

The MBE Group,
headed by

Tomasz Wojtowicz

carries on MBE growth
and processing of emerging materials
and low-dimensional

The Group of Characterization
and Processing,
headed by

Vinayak Bhat

performs experimental studies on topological
materials and their interface with

The Dirac Group,
headed by

Mircea Trif

performs theoretical studies of topological
phenomena including the physics
of Dirac materials

The Group Physics of Majoranas,
headed by

Carmine Autieri

performs theoretical studies of topological
materials including systems supporting
Majorana quasiparticles

The Weyl Group,
headed by

Marcin Matusiak

performs characterization of topological
materials with emphasis on charge
and heat transport

Another vertical group will be responsible for characterization (e.g., synchrotron, optical, magnetic, and charge transport).

Horizontal group, with strong involvement of vertical groups, will search for new phenomena, materials systems, and devices; in the diagram above these teams are named Dirac and Weyl, though actual research directions will be set by their leaders.

Each group will (typically) consist of a leader, one postdoc and 2-3 PhD students, all financed by MagTop that also provides substantial operation funds. Additional groups, researches, equipment, and a support for running costs can be funded by national or international research projects acquired by group leaders and postdocs.

New group leaders will be recruited via open international calls conducted by the International Scientific Committee. Internationally competitive salaries in line with expertise and research potential will be offered. The group leaders will appoint postdocs and PhD students via open international calls supervised by MagTop Management (see, Researchers Employment and Open Positions).

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