
(a) Initially, ultracold atoms in an internal stateaareprepared in the superfluid phase in a shallow optical lattice with unitfilling. (b) At time t = 0, a π/2 pulse puts each atom in a coherentsuperposition of two internal states a and b. Immediately after thepulse, while the system is in the superfluid phase, binary atomic inter-actions between atoms starts the generation of quantum correlationsin the system. (c) The lattice height is gradually increased in such away that the system undergoes the Mott-insulator transition with oneatom per site at the “best time” to store in the lattice either the best squeezing or a GHZ state.

New paper has been published in Physical Review A as a „Editors’ Suggestion”

Marcin Płodzień, Maciej Kościelski, Emilia Witkowska, and Alice Sinatra, Producing and storing spin-squeezed states and Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states in a one-dimensional optical lattice, Phys. Rev. A 102, 013328 (2020)

Dynamical generation and storage of spin-squeezed states in few-body cold-atom systems within one-dimensional optical lattices are investigated theoretically through an exact diagonalization approach. The structure of the Mott-squeezed states is revealed by correlation functions on-site and between different sites.

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