
NAWA grant for MagTop member

Our member Dr. Marcin Płodzień has recived funding from Bekker Program financed by NAWA for a two year postdoctoral visit in Quantum Optics Theory group led by Maciej Lewenstein at ICFO (Barcelona), starting on October 2021. Project title is „Quantum Simulators of open quantum systems and non-equilibrium topological matter”

Marcin Płodzień will conduct research on quantum simulators of open-quantum systems and non-equilibrium topological matter realized in quantum gases and photonic structures.

Project abstract:

Understanding the behavior of topological properties of quantum systems out-of-equilibrium remains one of the central challenges in condensed-matter physics. On the experimental level main challenge is to construct  quantum Simulators where full control of coherent dynamics and dissipative processes is possible, allowing to study non-equilibrium quantum states. Presented project focus on possibilities of realizing Quantum Simulators for open quantum systems allowing to study non-equilibrium topological phenomena. One of the main objectives of the proposal is to theoretically study quantum system dynamics after a sudden change of its topological invariant. The other main Objective is the study dissipation-driven evolution of the quantum system, which eventually leads to a non-trivial topological state, where coherent dynamics and dissipation interplay. Both objectives aim to break new ground by significantly expanding concepts of equilibrium topological matter.

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