Researchers’ employment

Researchers’ employment

According to the Organisational Structure, MagTop supports six groups, each consisting of a group leader, one postdoc, and two or three PhD students. Support for additional researchers can be pursued by national or international grant applications. All researchers are affiliated to both MagTop and Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences that makes available research equipment. Additional apparatus can purchase via calls put forward by the Foundation for Polish Science, and dedicated to International Research Agendas, such as MagTop. The level of remuneration is internationally competitive at MagTop (see Open Positions), particularly considering the cost of living in Poland. MagTop’s employees are expected to spend at least 70% of the working time in MagTop and/or IFPAN premises.

Apart from Tomasz Dietl and Tomasz Wojtowicz, other group leaders are appointed by international open calls conducted by the International Scientific Committee (ISC) in cooperation with the Foundation for Polish Science, as specified in the International Research Agenda Programme as well as in the European Charter for Research and the Code of Conduct for Recruitment of Research Workers. The procedure is facilitated for ERC grant holders. Group leaders and the Foundation Management are involved in international calls and employment of postdocs (young doctors).

MagTop benefits from the International PhD Studies conducted by IFPAN. However, separate terms and conditions (including the stipend level) are implemented for MagTop’s PhD students. In the recruitment of PhD students, the leading role is played by group leaders who select their group members via open international competitions. A stipend is also offered for MSc/BSc students who carry on thesis-related research at MagTop.

No doubt, the MagTop objective – search for new phenomena at the interface of magnetism, superconductivity and topological properties – emerges from achievements in the physics and materials development at the Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences (see Highlights) and at the strategic partner unit University of Würzburg.

Why not fulfilling your research dreams in the place that combines openness to novel ideas specific to a new establishment with expertise and experience of its parent and collaborating units?

See Open Positions for current calls, What is MagTop for general information including funding durability and, if necessary, consult Nature article about science in Poland and EURAXESS Poland and another source – for practical information.

In addition to offering competitive salaries, MagTop is committed to pursue the double carrier scheme, i.e., to help your spouse in finding an employment in Warsaw’s area either in research or in other sectors. Our flexible structure makes also possible to consider hiring an existing group of, say, two or three researchers that would like continuing working together in an emerging field, even if only broadly related to MagTop’s topic.

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