Tomasz Wojciechowski was graduated from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Rzeszów in 2003. PhD he defensed in the Institute of Physics PAS in 2011 (PhD Thesis: „Bistability conductivity in mixed crystals CdZnTe mixed crystals”).
His current research interests are focused on the controlling microstructure, characterizing and processing materials (photolithography, ICP-RIE, ICP-PECVD, ALD). Hi is specialist in scanning electron microscopy (SEM, EDS) and also a specialist in sample preparation using electron and ion beam lithography (EBL, FIB). His research in the field of structural characterization materials using microscopy techniques focuses on the application of Low Loss BSE imaging and EDS mapping to characterization II‐VI and IV‐VI materials.
He is coauthor of 104 papers in the field of structural characterization (Researcher ID: K-9441-2016). These papers was cited 990 times (H = 19), two papers were cited more than 40 times, most cited paper (Journal of colloid and interface science 375 (2012), 180). Since 2019 till now he is the the Director ’s plenipotentiary for Research Infrastructure. He made short time stays in several foreign labs: Veeco Instruments USA, Oxford Instruments UK, Raith Germany, Carl Zeiss Germany (2 months). He was principal investigator (leader) of one project supported by Ministry of Science and Higher Education.