Dr. Iwona Rogalska

Iwona Rogalska is a part-time Young Doctor in Molecular Beam Epitaxy Group at the International Centre for Interfacing Magnetism and Superconductivity with Topological Matter – MagTop, funded by a grant from the Foundation for Polish Science since 2022 and carried out at the Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw. In 2011 she started the doctoral studies under the agreement between the Henryk Niewodniczański Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences in Cracow and the University of Rzeszów. On 2018, by the resolution of the Council of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, she was awarded the academic degree of doctor of physical sciences on the basis of the presented doctoral dissertation entitled „Electron magnetic resonance spectroscopy of dopants from the iron group in the Al2O3, ZrO2 powders and PbI2 nanoparticles”.
Since 2018, she has been assistant professor at College of Natural Sciences at Centre for Microelectronics and Nanotechnology in University of Rzeszów.

Rogalska was research assistant (2013-2015 at the Center of Microelectronics and Nanotechnology in implementation of the project: „Understanding the physical mechanisms determining the strengthening of new nanocomposite coatings and multinanolayers obtained in PVD processes” – No. WND-RPPK.01.03.00-18-052/12. She was also engineering and technical worker (2016-2018) for the operation of the MBE system at the Center of Microelectronics and Nanotechnology. She took part in few scientific projects: „Modern material technologies used in the aviation industry” – The Centre of Advanced Technology „AERONET – Aviation Valley” ” – No. POIG.01.01.02-00-015/08-00, „Study of magnetic properties in semiconductors” – cooperation with the Department of Physics of the Pedagogical University in Drohobycz, „Development and industrial implementation of the first Polish MWIR camera based on an uncooled InAs/GaSb type-II superlattice focal plane array” – No. POIR.04.01.04-00-0123/17.

Her current research interests are focused on the solid state physics and nanotechnology. In particular, two main areas: the study of materials with a strong spin-orbit interaction, and the growth of low-dimensional structures based on AIII BV compounds. The interests of materials with a strong spin-orbit interaction is a continuation of the research undertaken in the doctoral dissertation. The second research stream covers issues related to the technology of quantum structure growth based on compounds from groups III and V of the elements of the periodic table – primarily double quantum wells for quantum logic gates and the production of II-VI and III-V semiconductor compounds for the needs of detection systems.

She is the co-author of 17 publications, and resulting the h-factor 3. She took part at 15 conferences as a speaker or poster presentations. She took part in the following research trips of employees and students of the College of Natural Sciences of University of Rzeszów under the NANO project: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (2013), University of Huddersfield (2014), University of Würzburg (2015). During the trip, she participated in lectures and presentations given in: Consensed Matter Physics Department (H. Suderow), Condensed Matter theory Physics Department (E. Moreno, R. Delgado, F. Laussy), Applied Physics Department (J. M. Merino, N. Lopez), Materials Physics Department, Surface Science DSIMS Lab (A. Brown, D. Shingler), Low Energy Firing Centre (A. Prette), Landwer „Nano Lab” (C. Schumacher, Ch. Becker).

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