Dr. hab. Wojciech Brzezicki

Wojciech Brzezicki is an expert in symmetries and classification of topological materials at the International Centre for Interfacing Magnetism and Superconductivity with Topological Matter – MagTop and an assistant professor at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków. He completed his MSc and PhD degrees in theoretical condensed matter physics in 2008 and 2012, respectively, and obtained habilitation degree in 2019 at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków. He was a postdoctoral researcher and a Marie-Curie fellow in years 2014-2017 in the CNR-SPIN Institute in Fisciano (Salerno) in Italy. Wojciech Brzezicki is currently a principal investigator in his research grant NCN Sonata Bis 9, “Limitations for Protected Transport and Exotic Topological States in Topological Semiconductors”, lasting from 2020 to 2026.

His current research interests are focused on the theory of topological states of matter, including symmetry classification and searching for possible exact and approximate topological invariants of the model Hamiltonians or Lindbladians. He is interested both in energy-conserving systems as well as dissipative ones, which should be described by density matrices following the Lindblad equation. He works both analytically and numerically, using all standard routines of linear algebra as well as more involved self-developed density matrix renormalization group solvers. He also has a an experience in working with strongly-correlated systems using mean-field methods, exact solutions and effective exchange Hamiltonians.

Wojciech Brzezicki is a recipient of the Prime Minister Award for the scientific achievement being the basis for habilitation (2019), Visegrad Academies Young Researcher Award (2019) and Stipend for Outstanding Young  Researchers (2018) funded by Polish Ministry of Sciences and Higher Education.

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