Dr. hab. Cezary Śliwa

Cezary Śliwa is a senior postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences and at the International Research Center MagTop, in the field of theoretical physics. He prepared his Master Thesis in 1996 at the Chair of Mathematical Physics, University of Warsaw; then a PhD thesis “Finite element method in the field theory „, 2003 at Center for Theorerical Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences. The degree was granted by the Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw. The thesis discussed lattice discretization of quantum fields and related mathematical issues. After finishing the thesis, he stayed for six months at the Center for Quantum Computation, Oxford. During this period he was involved in the development of a photon-counting technique, and published two papers with the group of Prof. Ian A. Wamsley. Earlier, he collaborated with Prof. I. Białynicki-Birula and other researchers in the field of general quantum physics (quantum vortices) and also published a single-author paper on the Bell inequalities. In 2005, he started his employment at the Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw. This was the time when he was preparing, as a co-author, a series of articles titled „Effective strains in magnetic semiconduction alloys”. In 2014, he was awarded by the Institute of Physics, Warsaw, a habilitation degree for the series. Recently, in collaboration with Prof. Tomasz Dietl and others, he advanced the perturbation theory of noninteracting quantum particles at non-zero temperature (2018), and contributed to the theory of spin-spin interaction in solids (published 2021; presented as an invited talk at JEMS 2022). In his work, he combines a diversity of computational methods and tools, like symbolic and numerical computation. Most of his recent articles have been published in Phys. Rev. B.

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